Case Studies
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Our Actions Speak Louder Than Our Words

• Increased Comprehension
• Longer and Higher Retention Levels
• CWU Researchers decided to purchase the system for their own classes future use following the experience
Third-Party Efficacy Study
“100% of the experimental group thought using the Humulo Virtual Reality training increased their comprehension of the course material”
HumuloVR safety training products were selected to be part of a third-party study designed and carried out at Central Washington University (CWU) in 2022. CWU is a public university in Ellensburg, Washington with a total of eight Washington state campuses. The University offers vocational types of programs among other academics.
A goal of the study, designed and led by Dr. Hongtao Dang Ph.D. and Dr. Jennifer Serne Ph.D., was to determine to what degree the more traditional school-based and physical simulations learning would be improved using Virtual Reality safety training tools. Quantitative and qualitative data would be derived from the study’s design.
• Developed For USAF Travis AFB
• Project name/contract number Tunay Training:
Forklift Fundamentals/ FA442720P0079
• Integrated hand tracking
• Customized customer centric Learning Management Systems (LMS)
• Certified OSHA training
VR Training: Forklift Fundamentals (Prime CTR)
Humulo’s Tunay Training: Forklift Fundamentals, is an OSHA compliant VR training including implementation and interface with a learning management system (LMS) in the AWS cloud.
This SaaS capability enables efficient agile, DevSecOps development of the VR and LMS training functionality as well as a portable and resource efficient, lightweight operational implementation of the training methods. Training is portable and can be performed anywhere in the world or while deployed onboard ship, submarine or aircraft.
The SaaS implementation enables both a low cost and agile, quick delivery development environment and light weight, portable operations for the VR and LMS training platform.
VR Training: Personal Protective Equipment (Prime CTR)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is often in short supply, especially for developing nations.
Humulo in partnership with NIH: NI-AID funding, developed low cost, easy to use, VR training for use in Uganda to allow them to train their medical professionals without the need for anything but a single VR (stand alone) headset. No internet access needed and most importantly, no real PPE needed.
Multiple users can use the same headset safely, as many times as they like until they feel confident in the donning and doffing procedures.
• Developed For National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
• Rapid development for NIH in response to global pandemic
• Helping train frontline healthcare workers to help fight the spread of COVID-19
• Developed For National Park Service
• Project name/contract number: INTERACTIVE WEB
• Agile website development utilizing AWS cloud SaaS capabilities
• Interactive 3D web page for Bering Land Bridge National Preserve
BELA Web Based 3D Training (Prime CTR)
Humulo developed a 508 complaint, cloud-based educational 3D exploration application for the Department of Interior (DOI); Bearing Land Bridge National Park in Alaska.
Through the use of AWS cloud SaaS, Humulo delivered the website through an agile, DevSecOps implementation using the SaaS capability. The flexibility, transparency, and agile process for the SaaS development environment in the AWS cloud, substantially reduced the cost for the DoI client and delivered the capability ahead of schedule and within a fixed price budget.
Navy Landing Signals Officer (LSO) VR Trainer
Humulo’s Tunay Training: Navy’s Landing Signal Officer (LSO) training is an immersive multi-user team training platform. This training offers the Navy a low cost, high impact training capability to better prepare young LSOs for the high speed, dynamic, and critical safety mission they execute daily on-board nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.
Navy LSOs work together in teams to make sure returning aircraft land safely on-board a moving runway in some of the most challenging conditions imaginable. Humulo developed the training so it can be operated by a single user if desired, but also with a team of multiple users integrated into the same VR environment. LSOs can link their devices remotely from anywhere in the world to train together and build trust in each other, and develop habit patterns that leads to increased safety and lives saved.

• Developed For The Navy
• Multiplayer – train as a team from anywhere in the world
• High fidelity visuals

• Developed For The Navy
• Speech recognition, give orders to command the team
• No internet connection required
Navy Submarine Officer of the Deck (OOD) VR Trainer
Humulo’s Tunay Training: Navy’s Submarine Training is an immersive state of the art training offering a new capability previously filled by costly and potentially dangerous on the job training utilizing multi-billion dollar nuclear powered submarines. Humulo’s Tunay Training provides a low cost, safe, integrated training service allowing junior officers to learn, make mistakes, and get feedback from instructors while eliminating the risk from sailors or submarines.
Serving as the Officer of the Deck (OOD) of a submarine requires junior officers to maintain a high situational awareness to and manage the ship’s location, direction, speed, depth, weapons systems, nuclear reactor, and much more. The OOD must direct teams of sailors to operate these systems through voice commands and protocols.
Humulo created a robust interactive VR environment that is designed to be able to operate completely offline requiring no internet connection, but still maintaining built in speech recognition capabilities, allowing the OOD trainee to give commands the same as they would in the real world, and have virtual sailors and the submarine react according to those orders.
Intelligence Agency Digital Consulting (Cloud, RMF, Cyber Security) (Sub CTR)
Provide cloud and on premises IT Project Management services supporting agency networks at all classification levels
across the enterprise supporting cyber security, development and data center management. Various across several contracts:

• Developed For DIA
• Project name/contract number: ESITA II/ TO11
• IT Project management
• Cloud, RMF, Cyber security experts
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